Preparing a Tomb for Myself.

For Japanese, space for a tomb for him/herself and how a funeral party for him/herself will be held is one of the most difficult problems.

I'm now been arguing the two problems with my father. He insists that his and my mother's graves should be at a condominium of graves, which has a large number of graves in a building about the size of a refrigerator. He is afraid to be removed. Generally, the graves no one attends to for many years are removed from the cemetery because of the space remaining. I consider, however, that I want my parents to stay a large space on the ground at least after dying.

Regarding a funeral, he is eager for Shinto-style while a large part of Japanese follow Buddhist-style. I'm disgusted with the reason that a Buddhist-style funeral costs much every year. At first, the dead is given a name in the land of Perfect Bliss, which is Heaven for Christians. It costs usually about $3,000. Then, a priest's fee is needed every year. On the other hand, the Shinto-style funeral takes only the rite fee.

Anyway, I've heard that the discussion of a tomb and a funeral is taboo before dying in Canada. I'm not sure about that in the other countries but I feel strange because he/she is still alive. On the other hand, I also think those argue is required for the best ceremony he/she wants.

How about you?